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마에마에 초등학교

배움은 영원하다

Please note that the PDF file in the button above is not updated regularly. Please refer to the calendar at the top, which is kept up to date.

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공지 사항

제로 웨이스트
목욕 제품

품질과 친환경이 만나는 곳

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday

7:50 a.m. - Warning Bell

7:55 a.m. - Morning Business

8:00 a.m. - Block 1

9:35 a.m. - Recess

9:50 a.m. - Block 2

11:20 a.m. - Lunch (K, 1, 2)

11:50 a.m. - Block 3 (K, 1, 2)

12:05 p.m. - Lunch (3, 4, 5)

12:35 p.m. - Block 3 (3, 4, 5)

2:15 p.m. - Dismissal


7:50 a.m. - Warning Bell

7:55 a.m. - Morning Business

8:00 a.m. - Block 1

9:35 a.m. - Recess

9:50 a.m. - Block 2

11:20 a.m. - Lunch (K, 1, 2)

11:50 a.m. - Block 3 (K, 1, 2)

12:05 p.m. - Lunch (3, 4, 5)

12:35 p.m. Block 3 (3, 4, 5)

12:45 p.m. - Dismissal

되돌리기 임무

우리는 윤리적이고 현명한 쇼핑을 믿습니다. 당사의 모든 제품은 당사의 핵심 가치와 일치하도록 신중하게 선택됩니다.

Daily Wellness Check
IReady Clip Art.png

i-Ready Guide for Families

i-Ready is a Universal Screener, which our teachers use to help monitor student progress towards ELA and Math standards. Students complete assignments and periodically complete diagnostics to show their progress, and data is analyzed to determine appropriate next steps for each student.

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